Monday, October 19, 2009

The U2 Concert!

Matt desperately wanted them to play Where the Streets Have No Name, so when they played it I had to take a picture of Matt's happy face :)

This was my favorite part of the show, when the screen came down!

Well, the U2 Concert seemed so far away and now it's over :( But it was so much fun while we were there! Black Eyed Peas opened for them which was a little weird, but they did ok. Nothing as awesome as U2 though :) Matt and I seemed like the only people around us who actually knew their new stuff. Mostly everyone else was there to get wasted, but that's a college town right?
It was a little cold, but once we got up to jam with U2 it got better :) I'm surprised I lasted being 8 months pregnant, but the energy there was awesome and it was enough to sustain me for the majority of the concert.
I don't know what was more fun though, watching Bono get crazy, or Matt get crazy :) I usually don't get to see Matt super excited about something so it was a lot of fun to see him totally in the moment and loving every second of it. All-in-all it was a really good night, and we had a lot of fun. Maybe one time when I am not pregnant we can get up next to the stage. Oh, yeah, and when we are rich :)

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