Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Belly Update

I think I am so huge, and then I take a picture to put on blogspot and it really doesn't convey just how big I feel :)
This is me at 31 weeks and getting bigger every day. My insides are squished, and he kicks a lot, but I am still so happy to be pregnant. I read in one of my pregnancy books to not be worried if he doesn't move around as much because it is getting pretty crowded in my belly, but, you know, Link still moves around just as much, if not more, so we might just have a soccer player or a boxer on our hands because he is one tough cookie and those punches can be painful!
We love him and Matt just sits in Link's room sometimes cause he just wants to hold him. He's going to be such a cute dad.


Shelly & Brandon said...

Ruby you are such a beautiful pregnant woman!

Tashina said...

You look so great! Yes, I am pregnant again... This one was quite the surprise! But, we will be having another little girl in January. It's kind of crazy, but we are excited!

Whitings said...

You are so adorable. I wish we could get a picture of our belly's together. How fun that I know exactly how you feel. I am so excited for you guys to have this little one too. It will be so amazing when he finally does get here and you are going to be such cute parents. Love the cute red chair too!

Ken and Jan said...

Your belly is so cute! I loved your "New Calling" post. I can just picture you taking charge! I did scouts for a couple years and learned the hard way that you have to be tough... or they'll walk all over you!

Emily said...

Your tummy looks so cute! Link kicking you so much is nature's way of preparing you for no sleep at night. If you can't sleep now due to all the moving, you'll be ready when he's getting you up in the night to eat and it won't be such an adjustment :) I can't wait for him to come- it's getting close!

together forever