Saturday, December 5, 2009

Santa's Lap

Our ward had a Christmas Breakfast party and they were doing pictures with Santa. Even though Link is still really little I couldn't resist bringing him to take his picture with Santa for the first time :) I don't know if you can see his little fohawk, but Matt loves it when I do his hair that way so he had it done for his picture with Santa. I think he looks super cute with his hair like that, but it makes him look like a little boy, not my little baby, and he is already growing up so fast on his own so I don't like to help him look older. I just want to enjoy my tiny baby boy while I can :)


Stephens Family said...

so cute, he is so little he gets lost in santa's beard

Emily said...

That is really cute. Now...we just need a picture of Matt on Santa's lap :) Can't wait to see you guys!

Tashina said...

Link looks so cute on Santa's lap! I wish mine was going to make it here in time to meet Santa...

Jon and Sunny Robbins said...

How fun! Little Link is so little. He is adorable!

Diehl Family said...

that is such a cute picture. love his fohawk. Make sure you take a picture everyday, he will change so fast. Have fun with every moment.

together forever